"My grandson and I love this book.... Wednesday night is 'Grandma Night' and when he got up this morning he told me he 'needed' to read the one to help his stomach calm down because he was worried about his spelling test tomorrow!!! How wonderful to be able to help a seven year-old calm HIMSELF down with this method..."
Wonderful indeed! I know only too well how it feels to be a child who is prone to worrying so I'm particularly touched when I hear that my book is helping little ones to let go of their anxieties. Reading this comment from a mother really moved me:
"Lisa, my daughter is five years old and she has, unfortunately, through 'nature and nurture', picked up a tendency toward anxiety. As her mother, I wanted to find a way to teach her ways to protect herself from the damage of letting worry, anxiety and negativity into her little 'being'. Your book was RIGHT on time and the perfect choice for bedtime reading. Isn't it amazing how sometimes if we need something badly enough, and we open our minds to it.... we can find exactly what we are looking for in life. Thank you so much for this wonderful book, it means more than words can say."
It's also great to hear from adults who tell me that the techniques are working for them too. Doe Zantamata (who reviewed my book for her Facebook page Happiness in Your Life) said:
"Oh how I would have loved this book when I was little... and my mum would probably have loved for me to have it too. I highly recommend it, not only for children but for adults too. For me, I wanted to learn the basics, without studying a lot. This was perfect. The exercises and sounds felt a little silly at first but they really work."
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